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Thanksgiving Prep Time: Your Entry & Coat Closet

Now that you have figured out what kind of Thanksgiving you'll be having after reading "3 Words: Thanksgiving is Coming!!", let's get your entry and coat closet ready for your guests

Entry (I suggest you do this a day or two before Thanksgiving)

  • Clear the entry of anything that is not a Thanksgiving decor, or shoes & coats your household are not using the day of.

  • Clean the entry area: door, door knobs/handles, peephole, console table mirror, hooks, and everything else in your entry. It would be a good idea to get anything valuable into a room guests will not be in to ensure it's safety.

  • Have a sanitizing station for guests.

  • Prep the entry for the weather. If you expect it to rain or snow, have boot trays and an umbrella stand by the door.

  • Have a door mat. You can even get one that matches the holiday! As long as there is one for guests to scrub their shoes against it.

Coat Closet (I suggest you do this the week before Thanksgiving)

  • Declutter the coat closet. This will require for you to remove everything from the closet, so you can go through it, remove items to another location (attic, basement, your bedroom closet, kids bedroom closet, or actual home where it belongs), and pitch or donate. Remove anything from the summer season.

  • While you’re at the coat closet, go ahead and finally store it correctly. Remove stored items from bags and place in a storage bin. I have a preference for weathertight bins. Not too big and not too small; get the right size for what is being stored. It is best to have multiple smaller bins to compartmentalize the items you're storing, then to have one big bin you have to rummage through. Don’t forget to label it!

  • It’s okay to place over the door hooks. If your family is anything like my family, there’s A LOT of people coming by, so get those extra hooks on the door.

  • How about a coat rack? In my apartment, the coat closet became the linen and utility closet. So I bought a collapsible clothing rack. I am able to pop it open and use it, then place under the bed when not in use. You can place it near the coat closet or entry. Make sure to have enough hangers, and anyone with a bag/purse can hang it with their coat, or place at bottom of rack.

Contact me here to help you with your Thanksgiving prep and organization.

Organized by Catherine O organizes all areas of your home, maximizes your space, and problem-solves time management and productivity challenges. We are based in New York City and serve the NYC-Metro area.

For more tips & photos you won't see here, follow me on Instagram @OrgByCatO


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